The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) responded to backlash after a video surfaced showing an unarmed man’s violent arrest in the city’s Downtown Eastside..“You wanna shoot me? Shoot me,” the man can be heard saying as officers surround him..The now viral video shows the man, who appeared to be placing his hands atop the taxi in front of him, take several bean bag shots from police before falling down. Shortly after, officers briefly sicced a dog on him..The group that posted the video, VANDU, said VPD restrained the man and remained on top of him for 10 minutes while waiting for medical assistance..When bystanders asked police why an ambulance hadn’t arrived, one officer replied, “Good question, why don’t you talk to the premier?”.BC’s paramedics have been hit with widespread staffing shortages..READ MORE: Ashcroft man dies while waiting for ambulance to become available.Shortly after it was posted, VPD took to Twitter to respond to the video, calling the man a “high-risk and violent offender” and highlighting a history of armed robberies, assaulting police, and drug trafficking..“He is involved in the Downtown Eastside’s illicit drug trade and, based on his violent history, is considered armed and dangerous,” said VPD in a lengthy Twitter thread providing background on the arrested man..“In March 2021, he assaulted a VPD officer who was attempting to arrest him for breaching his bail. In that incident, he tried to escape by running through the front doors of VANDU, locking a door behind him, then fleeing out the back.”.VPD said patrol officers spotted the man prior to the arrest video, noting officers had been looking for him, therefore "they could arrest him for an unrelated crime.".Upon approaching, he then entered the taxi and allegedly threatened to kill the driver if he stopped..Officers forced the taxi to stop near Gore and Keefer Streets and the driver fled..“He chose not to comply with our lawful commands to lay down on the ground. Instead, he turned to face the officers and challenged them to shoot him,” said VPD..“When he turned away and motioned back toward the rear door of the taxi, an officer discharged a number of less lethal beanbag rounds. This was a lawful, measured, and appropriate use of force.”.The unnamed man remains in custody and faces several charges..In August, Winnipeg’s Chris Amyotte, 42, was killed as a result of bean bag rounds fired by VPD officers on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside..READ MORE: Man dies after 'interaction' with Vancouver police.This is what the Western Standard is up againstThe Trudeau government is funding lies and propaganda by directly subsidizing the mainstream media. They do this to entrench the powerful Eastern, woke and corrupt interests that dominate the political, social and economic institutions in Canada. Federal authorities are constantly trying to censor us and stop us from publishing the stories that they don’t want you to read. Ottawa may weaponize our taxes and police against us, but we’ve got a powerful ally on our side.You. Free men, and free women. We need you to stand with us and become a member of the Western Standard. Here’s what you will get for your membership:Unlimited access to all articles from the Western Standard, Alberta Report, West Coast Standard, and Saskatchewan Standard, with no paywall. Our daily newsletter delivered to your inbox. .Access to exclusive Member-only WS events.Keep the West’s leading independent media voice strong and free.If you can, please support us with a monthly or annual membership. It takes just a moment to set up, and you will be making a big impact on keeping one the last independent media outlets in Canada free from Ottawa’s corrupting influence.
The Vancouver Police Department (VPD) responded to backlash after a video surfaced showing an unarmed man’s violent arrest in the city’s Downtown Eastside..“You wanna shoot me? Shoot me,” the man can be heard saying as officers surround him..The now viral video shows the man, who appeared to be placing his hands atop the taxi in front of him, take several bean bag shots from police before falling down. Shortly after, officers briefly sicced a dog on him..The group that posted the video, VANDU, said VPD restrained the man and remained on top of him for 10 minutes while waiting for medical assistance..When bystanders asked police why an ambulance hadn’t arrived, one officer replied, “Good question, why don’t you talk to the premier?”.BC’s paramedics have been hit with widespread staffing shortages..READ MORE: Ashcroft man dies while waiting for ambulance to become available.Shortly after it was posted, VPD took to Twitter to respond to the video, calling the man a “high-risk and violent offender” and highlighting a history of armed robberies, assaulting police, and drug trafficking..“He is involved in the Downtown Eastside’s illicit drug trade and, based on his violent history, is considered armed and dangerous,” said VPD in a lengthy Twitter thread providing background on the arrested man..“In March 2021, he assaulted a VPD officer who was attempting to arrest him for breaching his bail. In that incident, he tried to escape by running through the front doors of VANDU, locking a door behind him, then fleeing out the back.”.VPD said patrol officers spotted the man prior to the arrest video, noting officers had been looking for him, therefore "they could arrest him for an unrelated crime.".Upon approaching, he then entered the taxi and allegedly threatened to kill the driver if he stopped..Officers forced the taxi to stop near Gore and Keefer Streets and the driver fled..“He chose not to comply with our lawful commands to lay down on the ground. Instead, he turned to face the officers and challenged them to shoot him,” said VPD..“When he turned away and motioned back toward the rear door of the taxi, an officer discharged a number of less lethal beanbag rounds. This was a lawful, measured, and appropriate use of force.”.The unnamed man remains in custody and faces several charges..In August, Winnipeg’s Chris Amyotte, 42, was killed as a result of bean bag rounds fired by VPD officers on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside..READ MORE: Man dies after 'interaction' with Vancouver police.This is what the Western Standard is up againstThe Trudeau government is funding lies and propaganda by directly subsidizing the mainstream media. They do this to entrench the powerful Eastern, woke and corrupt interests that dominate the political, social and economic institutions in Canada. Federal authorities are constantly trying to censor us and stop us from publishing the stories that they don’t want you to read. Ottawa may weaponize our taxes and police against us, but we’ve got a powerful ally on our side.You. Free men, and free women. We need you to stand with us and become a member of the Western Standard. Here’s what you will get for your membership:Unlimited access to all articles from the Western Standard, Alberta Report, West Coast Standard, and Saskatchewan Standard, with no paywall. Our daily newsletter delivered to your inbox. .Access to exclusive Member-only WS events.Keep the West’s leading independent media voice strong and free.If you can, please support us with a monthly or annual membership. It takes just a moment to set up, and you will be making a big impact on keeping one the last independent media outlets in Canada free from Ottawa’s corrupting influence.