UCP leadership candidate hopeful Brian Jean says his platform contains the "winning formula" for Albertans if he is elected premier..On Tuesday, Jean told the Western Standard, "It is still early in this race, we don't know who the voters will be."."Only those with a membership will decide this. I will keep offering ideas which increase Albertan's autonomy and their ability to have control over their own lives. I am confident that's a winning formula," Jean said..Jean said in 2019 over one million Albertans voted UCP, but in 2017 less than 60,000 Albertans decided who would lead the UCP.."So there are over 900,000 Albertans available to campaign to. In the remaining two weeks plus in this race I am going to campaign to those people who have not been involved before.".Jean said he is going to ask them to go to BrianJean.ca and sign up to make a difference.."We are going to ask them to become involved in setting the direction, the tone, and the spirit of our party and our province. Imagine the Alberta they can help create..Jean also told the Western Standard he's going to invite more Albertans to help take control of the destiny of the party and the destiny of Alberta.."I am going to ask Albertans to get involved in united conservative politics as an exercise in autonomy. Autonomy means taking more control over your own life. Being able to choose a government that's in line with your wants, needs and values.".This is what the Western Standard is up againstThe Trudeau government is funding lies and propaganda by directly subsidizing the mainstream media. They do this to entrench the powerful Eastern, woke and corrupt interests that dominate the political, social and economic institutions in Canada. Federal authorities are constantly trying to censor us and stop us from publishing the stories that they don’t want you to read. Ottawa may weaponize our taxes and police against us, but we’ve got a powerful ally on our side.You. Free men, and free women. We need you to stand with us and become a member of the Western Standard. Here’s what you will get for your membership:Unlimited access to all articles from the Western Standard, Alberta Report, West Coast Standard, and Saskatchewan Standard, with no paywall. Our daily newsletter delivered to your inbox. .Access to exclusive Member-only WS events.Keep the West’s leading independent media voice strong and free.If you can, please support us with a monthly or annual membership. It takes just a moment to set up, and you will be making a big impact on keeping one the last independent media outlets in Canada free from Ottawa’s corrupting influence.
UCP leadership candidate hopeful Brian Jean says his platform contains the "winning formula" for Albertans if he is elected premier..On Tuesday, Jean told the Western Standard, "It is still early in this race, we don't know who the voters will be."."Only those with a membership will decide this. I will keep offering ideas which increase Albertan's autonomy and their ability to have control over their own lives. I am confident that's a winning formula," Jean said..Jean said in 2019 over one million Albertans voted UCP, but in 2017 less than 60,000 Albertans decided who would lead the UCP.."So there are over 900,000 Albertans available to campaign to. In the remaining two weeks plus in this race I am going to campaign to those people who have not been involved before.".Jean said he is going to ask them to go to BrianJean.ca and sign up to make a difference.."We are going to ask them to become involved in setting the direction, the tone, and the spirit of our party and our province. Imagine the Alberta they can help create..Jean also told the Western Standard he's going to invite more Albertans to help take control of the destiny of the party and the destiny of Alberta.."I am going to ask Albertans to get involved in united conservative politics as an exercise in autonomy. Autonomy means taking more control over your own life. Being able to choose a government that's in line with your wants, needs and values.".This is what the Western Standard is up againstThe Trudeau government is funding lies and propaganda by directly subsidizing the mainstream media. They do this to entrench the powerful Eastern, woke and corrupt interests that dominate the political, social and economic institutions in Canada. Federal authorities are constantly trying to censor us and stop us from publishing the stories that they don’t want you to read. Ottawa may weaponize our taxes and police against us, but we’ve got a powerful ally on our side.You. Free men, and free women. We need you to stand with us and become a member of the Western Standard. Here’s what you will get for your membership:Unlimited access to all articles from the Western Standard, Alberta Report, West Coast Standard, and Saskatchewan Standard, with no paywall. Our daily newsletter delivered to your inbox. .Access to exclusive Member-only WS events.Keep the West’s leading independent media voice strong and free.If you can, please support us with a monthly or annual membership. It takes just a moment to set up, and you will be making a big impact on keeping one the last independent media outlets in Canada free from Ottawa’s corrupting influence.