FORSETH: What happened in Jerusalem at Easter 2,000 years ago, made Canadians what they are today

Immigrants to Canada from both Great Britain and France brought with them their Christian traditions, which made the supremacy of God an unspoken assumption in Canadian government. Here, "Where there is no vision, the people perish," taken from the Book of Proverbs Chapter 29, verse 18, is engraved upon the West window of the Peace Tower. It seems especially prescient these days
Immigrants to Canada from both Great Britain and France brought with them their Christian traditions, which made the supremacy of God an unspoken assumption in Canadian government. Here, "Where there is no vision, the people perish," taken from the Book of Proverbs Chapter 29, verse 18, is engraved upon the West window of the Peace Tower. It seems especially prescient these daysNigel Hannaford
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