Drivers on the West Kelowna stretch of BC’s Highway 97 saw a massively displayed message from some of the province’s unvaccinated doctors..“Allow us to do our part to help BC’s collapsing healthcare,” reads a billboard from the Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine (CSSEM), noting it has 50 unvaccinated doctors who’ve been terminated, but are ready to work..The society — not to be confused with the entirely separate BC-based group the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy — says its members banded together to support one another in their fight for medical freedom around COVID-19 vaccines, particularly for children..Healthcare strains due to staffing shortages are felt across the province and officials remain firm on maintaining vaccine mandates, blocking some doctors and healthcare workers from their ability to work..Putting a spotlight on the lack of access to primary care, the BC College of Family Physicians recently said one million British Columbians are currently without a family doctor and remain unable to get one. A research poll released by the college in April shows 40% of those who do have a family doctor in BC are worried they will be lost to practice closure or retirement..As for BC healthcare workers, those in hospitals, long-term care, and community care settings must be vaccinated against COVID in order to work, and the BC Public Service Agency also requires its 30,000 employees to have been twice injected..To address the growing lack of access to family physicians, the provincial government — in unison with Doctors of BC — announced Wednesday it will provide a $118 million stabilization fund to family doctors in an effort to ensure patients continue to have access to primary care..Highlighting rising operational costs affecting family doctors' ability to provide patient care, BC Health Minister Adrian Dix said the funding is a “key” supportive action while provincial officials work towards a long-term solution set to be detailed in the fall..As for nurses, the province previously announced it will allocate $12 million to help Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN) enter the healthcare system in a more streamlined manner. Bursaries for at least 1,500 nurses to help pay assessment fees will also also be included in the first year, as well as a marketing campaign to promote BC as a “desirable destination” for IENs..What hasn’t been publicly considered is a removal of the remaining proof-of-vaccination mandates.."I continue to work in my community office, but vaccine mandates have prevented me from attending my patients in hospital, hospice, and long-term care. I also lost my contract to work at an addiction treatment centre due to the vaccine mandates,” says society member working in family medicine, Dr. Joshua Nordine..In June, the society filed a legal petition in the BC Supreme Court seeking for a judicial review of the ongoing mandates, which it says will be heard in November..The society lists Dr. Stephen Malthouse as the second member on its list of BC health professionals..Malthouse, who has favourable reviews on RateMDs among his patients, has been allegedly connected to EnableAir, a website that issued what it called “authentic medical exemptions” for a non-refundable fee. The service, which shut down in late 2021 said 50% of the “post-administrative fees” were donated to Ontario lawyer Rocco Galati, however, this claim is no longer present on its website.. Screengrab .Sometimes referred to as “the top constitutional lawyer in Canada,” Galati is also connected to BC-based organization Action4Canada, which is listed on the “friends” section of the society’s website, however there is no official partnership..While Action4Canada is supported by many within what can be called the “freedom movement,” it’s increasingly questioned for its alleged lack of financial transparency by those within the same movement, and many critics distance themselves from anyone associated with the group..Represented by Galati, the organization has been observed taking large quantities of cash donations at various rallies in Vancouver.. Vancouver freedom rally .Action4Canada’s Tanya Gaw told the Western Standard the aforementioned criticisms began about a year ago, reiterating everything is “above board” and she’s “always been transparent with funds.”.“Vlad from Hugs Over Masks and this nasty girl Yvonne started beaking about how we need to show who our donors are. That would be illegal for me to show my donor’s list,” said Gaw, noting she ignored them..Vladislav Sobolev — also known as Coach Vlad, or just Vlad — says he’s openly questioned Galati at various freedom rallies in Vancouver. As a result, Sobolev claims to have been “threatened and harassed for questioning the Rocco challenge in BC.”.He also told the Western Standard neither he nor the aforementioned Yvonne asked to see a list of donors, but claims he instead asked for more detailed updates on how said donor’s money was being used..“That’s exactly what Tanya does. She twists and turns the truth and facts to portray the opposing side as bad,” said Sobolev..Gaw says the same of her critics..When asked if she would indemnify plaintiffs for potential adverse cost awards if her challenge is thrown out of court she said “that will be something for Rocco to answer.”.“The private meetings we’ve had with plaintiffs were private, and if Rocco’s going to comment on that I’d leave that to him,” said Gaw..The Western Standard reached out to Galati on several occasions, but has yet to hear back.."That likely means no, the other plaintiffs will be thrown under the bus,” said one critic who asked to remain anonymous..“Rocco isn't a plaintiff. It's entirely up to the party directing the litigation, in this case Tanya Gaw, to decide whether to indemnify her co-plaintiffs from any adverse cost award. All of the plaintiffs are jointly and severally liable in such an event. They need to know, and deserve to know, if Tanya will have their back or not. Her status as a leader turns on this.”.The same critic had complimentary things to say of CSSEM's petition as well as its lawyer Peter Gall, who is well known for his handling of administrative and constitutional litigation in BC..The Western Standard reached out to the society to hear its spokesperson’s thoughts regarding Action4Canada’s mounting criticisms and the implications of an online association between the two groups, even if seemingly trivial in nature, however Dr. York Hsiang says its news to him.."We don’t have any active joint campaigns with Action4Canada," said Hsiang.."We’re aware of them and we often run into their members at rallies but we don’t have any mutual campaigns going on concurrently.".Hsiang is a professor emeritus of surgery and former head of the Department of Vascular Surgery at UBC. He was also a consultant surgeon at Vancouver General Hospital involved in research and teaching.."I chose to retire when vaccine mandates were enforced," said Hsiang..More on CSSEM, as well as donation options can be found here..This is what the Western Standard is up againstThe Trudeau government is funding lies and propaganda by directly subsidizing the mainstream media. They do this to entrench the powerful Eastern, woke and corrupt interests that dominate the political, social and economic institutions in Canada. Federal authorities are constantly trying to censor us and stop us from publishing the stories that they don’t want you to read. Ottawa may weaponize our taxes and police against us, but we’ve got a powerful ally on our side.You. Free men, and free women. We need you to stand with us and become a member of the Western Standard. Here’s what you will get for your membership:Unlimited access to all articles from the Western Standard, Alberta Report, West Coast Standard, and Saskatchewan Standard, with no paywall. Our daily newsletter delivered to your inbox. .Access to exclusive Member-only WS events.Keep the West’s leading independent media voice strong and free.If you can, please support us with a monthly or annual membership. It takes just a moment to set up, and you will be making a big impact on keeping one the last independent media outlets in Canada free from Ottawa’s corrupting influence.
Drivers on the West Kelowna stretch of BC’s Highway 97 saw a massively displayed message from some of the province’s unvaccinated doctors..“Allow us to do our part to help BC’s collapsing healthcare,” reads a billboard from the Canadian Society for Science & Ethics in Medicine (CSSEM), noting it has 50 unvaccinated doctors who’ve been terminated, but are ready to work..The society — not to be confused with the entirely separate BC-based group the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy — says its members banded together to support one another in their fight for medical freedom around COVID-19 vaccines, particularly for children..Healthcare strains due to staffing shortages are felt across the province and officials remain firm on maintaining vaccine mandates, blocking some doctors and healthcare workers from their ability to work..Putting a spotlight on the lack of access to primary care, the BC College of Family Physicians recently said one million British Columbians are currently without a family doctor and remain unable to get one. A research poll released by the college in April shows 40% of those who do have a family doctor in BC are worried they will be lost to practice closure or retirement..As for BC healthcare workers, those in hospitals, long-term care, and community care settings must be vaccinated against COVID in order to work, and the BC Public Service Agency also requires its 30,000 employees to have been twice injected..To address the growing lack of access to family physicians, the provincial government — in unison with Doctors of BC — announced Wednesday it will provide a $118 million stabilization fund to family doctors in an effort to ensure patients continue to have access to primary care..Highlighting rising operational costs affecting family doctors' ability to provide patient care, BC Health Minister Adrian Dix said the funding is a “key” supportive action while provincial officials work towards a long-term solution set to be detailed in the fall..As for nurses, the province previously announced it will allocate $12 million to help Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN) enter the healthcare system in a more streamlined manner. Bursaries for at least 1,500 nurses to help pay assessment fees will also also be included in the first year, as well as a marketing campaign to promote BC as a “desirable destination” for IENs..What hasn’t been publicly considered is a removal of the remaining proof-of-vaccination mandates.."I continue to work in my community office, but vaccine mandates have prevented me from attending my patients in hospital, hospice, and long-term care. I also lost my contract to work at an addiction treatment centre due to the vaccine mandates,” says society member working in family medicine, Dr. Joshua Nordine..In June, the society filed a legal petition in the BC Supreme Court seeking for a judicial review of the ongoing mandates, which it says will be heard in November..The society lists Dr. Stephen Malthouse as the second member on its list of BC health professionals..Malthouse, who has favourable reviews on RateMDs among his patients, has been allegedly connected to EnableAir, a website that issued what it called “authentic medical exemptions” for a non-refundable fee. The service, which shut down in late 2021 said 50% of the “post-administrative fees” were donated to Ontario lawyer Rocco Galati, however, this claim is no longer present on its website.. Screengrab .Sometimes referred to as “the top constitutional lawyer in Canada,” Galati is also connected to BC-based organization Action4Canada, which is listed on the “friends” section of the society’s website, however there is no official partnership..While Action4Canada is supported by many within what can be called the “freedom movement,” it’s increasingly questioned for its alleged lack of financial transparency by those within the same movement, and many critics distance themselves from anyone associated with the group..Represented by Galati, the organization has been observed taking large quantities of cash donations at various rallies in Vancouver.. Vancouver freedom rally .Action4Canada’s Tanya Gaw told the Western Standard the aforementioned criticisms began about a year ago, reiterating everything is “above board” and she’s “always been transparent with funds.”.“Vlad from Hugs Over Masks and this nasty girl Yvonne started beaking about how we need to show who our donors are. That would be illegal for me to show my donor’s list,” said Gaw, noting she ignored them..Vladislav Sobolev — also known as Coach Vlad, or just Vlad — says he’s openly questioned Galati at various freedom rallies in Vancouver. As a result, Sobolev claims to have been “threatened and harassed for questioning the Rocco challenge in BC.”.He also told the Western Standard neither he nor the aforementioned Yvonne asked to see a list of donors, but claims he instead asked for more detailed updates on how said donor’s money was being used..“That’s exactly what Tanya does. She twists and turns the truth and facts to portray the opposing side as bad,” said Sobolev..Gaw says the same of her critics..When asked if she would indemnify plaintiffs for potential adverse cost awards if her challenge is thrown out of court she said “that will be something for Rocco to answer.”.“The private meetings we’ve had with plaintiffs were private, and if Rocco’s going to comment on that I’d leave that to him,” said Gaw..The Western Standard reached out to Galati on several occasions, but has yet to hear back.."That likely means no, the other plaintiffs will be thrown under the bus,” said one critic who asked to remain anonymous..“Rocco isn't a plaintiff. It's entirely up to the party directing the litigation, in this case Tanya Gaw, to decide whether to indemnify her co-plaintiffs from any adverse cost award. All of the plaintiffs are jointly and severally liable in such an event. They need to know, and deserve to know, if Tanya will have their back or not. Her status as a leader turns on this.”.The same critic had complimentary things to say of CSSEM's petition as well as its lawyer Peter Gall, who is well known for his handling of administrative and constitutional litigation in BC..The Western Standard reached out to the society to hear its spokesperson’s thoughts regarding Action4Canada’s mounting criticisms and the implications of an online association between the two groups, even if seemingly trivial in nature, however Dr. York Hsiang says its news to him.."We don’t have any active joint campaigns with Action4Canada," said Hsiang.."We’re aware of them and we often run into their members at rallies but we don’t have any mutual campaigns going on concurrently.".Hsiang is a professor emeritus of surgery and former head of the Department of Vascular Surgery at UBC. He was also a consultant surgeon at Vancouver General Hospital involved in research and teaching.."I chose to retire when vaccine mandates were enforced," said Hsiang..More on CSSEM, as well as donation options can be found here..This is what the Western Standard is up againstThe Trudeau government is funding lies and propaganda by directly subsidizing the mainstream media. They do this to entrench the powerful Eastern, woke and corrupt interests that dominate the political, social and economic institutions in Canada. Federal authorities are constantly trying to censor us and stop us from publishing the stories that they don’t want you to read. Ottawa may weaponize our taxes and police against us, but we’ve got a powerful ally on our side.You. Free men, and free women. We need you to stand with us and become a member of the Western Standard. Here’s what you will get for your membership:Unlimited access to all articles from the Western Standard, Alberta Report, West Coast Standard, and Saskatchewan Standard, with no paywall. Our daily newsletter delivered to your inbox. .Access to exclusive Member-only WS events.Keep the West’s leading independent media voice strong and free.If you can, please support us with a monthly or annual membership. It takes just a moment to set up, and you will be making a big impact on keeping one the last independent media outlets in Canada free from Ottawa’s corrupting influence.