Remember 'Build Back Better' and the 'Just Transition?' These were the anthems sung by many G7 globalist during the COVID-19 lockdowns. These wolves in sheep's clothing, who proclaimed to the world that no time was better than now to force the energy transition.Don't let a good crisis go to waste, then. The motive force behind the idea of the energy transition had its origins in a long-standing public relations endeavor in the West to promote a utopia or just society that derives its primary energy from biofuels, wind and solar technologies.It is however, a belief system founded in naiveity and nostalgia.The roots of this ideology extends back to the energy crisis of the 1970s and has morphed in recent decades into a belief system that wishes to redefine human liberty and the laws of physics.In this article, I will demonstrate that there is no energy transition underway in Canada and that our reliance on hydrocarbons as a share of primary energy remains unchanged since Trudeau was elected in 2015.As well, I will showcase a new Albertan-based, pro-Build Back Better public relations agency called 'The Transition Accelerator,' which like its older sister the Alberta Pembina Institute, is largely funded by the Government of Canada (or in other words, Canadian taxpayers) and eastern Canadian elitist tax-exempt private foundations, whose sole purpose is to pump the globalist Net-Zero agenda in Western Canada.Figure 1 below, shows a representation of both the United States' and Canada`s share of primary energy consumption from hydrocarbons as a percentage from 2015 to 2022.This hardly suggests there is an energy transition underway..When we examine the absolute year-over-year change in energy consumption by source in Canada over the time span of 2021 and 2022 relative to 2020 (Figure 2), we find that the growth in hydrocarbon consumption (ie coal + oil + gas) has outpaced the growth in energy production from wind and solar by a factor of 15 to 1.Yes, you read that correctly, by 15-to-1.Note that negative values in Figure 1 indicate the change in energy production or consumption over this time span has declined relative to 2020, whereas positive values correspond to an increase.The large decrease in coal power generation corresponds to continued decommissioning of these facilities across Canada and the negative change in nuclear power coincides with mid-life refurbishments of CANDU nuclear reactors in Ontario.Note that 1 TWh is equivalent to one billion kWh of electricity or 588,000 barrels of oil on an energy basis.It is hard to keep a straight face when I state that this too, is not indicative of an energy transition..In case Figures 1 and 2 are not sufficient evidence, I will test one more parameter for evidence of an energy transition.As the energy transition is defined as the progressive electrification of the economy (eg heat pumps & electric vehicles), I include Figure 3, which shows that there has been no net change in electricity production in Canada since 2015. Furthermore, in four out of seven years, power generation was declining relative to 2015.Clearly our economy is not undergoing rapid electrification.The reason for this dismal trend is simple.We have replaced coal power plants that operate near full throttle and on a full-time basis, with numerous part-time power generation units (eg, wind, solar & back up natural gas) that operate at the whim of the weather.This is analogous to replacing reliable full-time employees with part-time unreliable employees..So, if there is no basis to claim that an energy transition is underway in North America, who then is behind this highly disingenuous marketing blitz and what is their motivation for lying?To begin unravelling this question, I introduce Figure 4, which shows the Google Trend keyword search data for the three monikers: Energy transition; Build back better and; The great reset. Note that their origins in time coincide with the 2020 to 2021 lockdown period..It is well established that these synonymous monikers originated within the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the US Biden Administration.In 2020, the WEF and heads of G7 States declared in unison that the lockdowns represented a great opportunity to reset global capitalism and that the net-zero energy transition was how the world would build back better.That sounds an awful lot like motive.Here on the Canadian side of the border, we witnessed the formation of a whole ecosystem of new ENGO charities, whose singular mandate was to parrot these ideas.A case in point was formation of yet another climate focused tax-exempt private foundation called The Transition Accelerator (TTA,) which ironically is based out of Calgary. The public benefit statement in the TTA's 2022 CRA T3010 filing, and its website listed mandate, describes itself as "a force multiplier, enabler and a net-zero facilitator that works to direct disruption in collaboration with civil society leaders and government."Forgive me if I suggest that this sounds more ominous than tax-exempt philanthropy.No surprise, when you examine the sources of funding for the TTA, you find that 60% of its funding is from large eastern Canadian based tax-exempt private foundations, such as the Ivey Foundation (Toronto) and the Trottier Family Foundation (Montreal).These two juggernauts have more than $700 million in endowment funds leveraged heavily towards climate activism within the Canadian ENGO charity ecosystem and operate in collaboration with all levels of government (municipal, provincial and federal) in Canada to drive the energy transition (non-existent) in our economy.The only insight Canadians have into donor stipulated scope of work agreements with the TTA resides with the 25% government (aka taxpayer) donations, which of late is predominately facilitated by the federal National Research Council (NRC). Historically, the NRC's mandate in Canada has been to fund fundamental research and development (R&D), but when we look at the funding agreements with the TTA, these agreements sound more like engineering (i.e. not fundamental R&D) scopes of work.Topics such as driving demand for energy efficiency, shaping electricity systems and accelerating hydrogen production distribution in the Edmonton region, hardly sound like fundamental R&D.Note that in 2022, the TTA pulled in more than $4 million in revenue from its institutional and government donors and pocketed more than $1.3 million in profit after expenses. Its largest expense line item is the $2.5 million paid to its undefined consultants, who undoubtedly do the brunt of its work given the lack of engineering expertise within its executive structure (e.g., ecology, political science & economics.)Note that in 2022, no tax receipts were issued by the TTA to its donors. A clear indicator that it is not a grassroots philanthropy.The private foundations listed here are creating a mockery of true philanthropy in Canada and should be investigated for false advertising. Clearly, there is no scientific merit to their claims of an actual energy transition in North America or Canada. Truth matters.While the TTA's public benefit description and tax-exempt status may be lawful according to the CRA, its lack of non-profit status and disingenuous representation of facts are hardly ethical. .This is what the Western Standard is up againstThe Trudeau government is funding lies and propaganda by directly subsidizing the mainstream media. They do this to entrench the powerful Eastern, woke and corrupt interests that dominate the political, social and economic institutions in Canada. Federal authorities are constantly trying to censor us and stop us from publishing the stories that they don’t want you to read. Ottawa may weaponize our taxes and police against us, but we’ve got a powerful ally on our side.You. Free men, and free women. We need you to stand with us and become a member of the Western Standard. Here’s what you will get for your membership:Unlimited access to all articles from the Western Standard, Alberta Report, West Coast Standard, and Saskatchewan Standard, with no paywall. Our daily newsletter delivered to your inbox. .Access to exclusive Member-only WS events.Keep the West’s leading independent media voice strong and free.If you can, please support us with a monthly or annual membership. It takes just a moment to set up, and you will be making a big impact on keeping one the last independent media outlets in Canada free from Ottawa’s corrupting influence.
Remember 'Build Back Better' and the 'Just Transition?' These were the anthems sung by many G7 globalist during the COVID-19 lockdowns. These wolves in sheep's clothing, who proclaimed to the world that no time was better than now to force the energy transition.Don't let a good crisis go to waste, then. The motive force behind the idea of the energy transition had its origins in a long-standing public relations endeavor in the West to promote a utopia or just society that derives its primary energy from biofuels, wind and solar technologies.It is however, a belief system founded in naiveity and nostalgia.The roots of this ideology extends back to the energy crisis of the 1970s and has morphed in recent decades into a belief system that wishes to redefine human liberty and the laws of physics.In this article, I will demonstrate that there is no energy transition underway in Canada and that our reliance on hydrocarbons as a share of primary energy remains unchanged since Trudeau was elected in 2015.As well, I will showcase a new Albertan-based, pro-Build Back Better public relations agency called 'The Transition Accelerator,' which like its older sister the Alberta Pembina Institute, is largely funded by the Government of Canada (or in other words, Canadian taxpayers) and eastern Canadian elitist tax-exempt private foundations, whose sole purpose is to pump the globalist Net-Zero agenda in Western Canada.Figure 1 below, shows a representation of both the United States' and Canada`s share of primary energy consumption from hydrocarbons as a percentage from 2015 to 2022.This hardly suggests there is an energy transition underway..When we examine the absolute year-over-year change in energy consumption by source in Canada over the time span of 2021 and 2022 relative to 2020 (Figure 2), we find that the growth in hydrocarbon consumption (ie coal + oil + gas) has outpaced the growth in energy production from wind and solar by a factor of 15 to 1.Yes, you read that correctly, by 15-to-1.Note that negative values in Figure 1 indicate the change in energy production or consumption over this time span has declined relative to 2020, whereas positive values correspond to an increase.The large decrease in coal power generation corresponds to continued decommissioning of these facilities across Canada and the negative change in nuclear power coincides with mid-life refurbishments of CANDU nuclear reactors in Ontario.Note that 1 TWh is equivalent to one billion kWh of electricity or 588,000 barrels of oil on an energy basis.It is hard to keep a straight face when I state that this too, is not indicative of an energy transition..In case Figures 1 and 2 are not sufficient evidence, I will test one more parameter for evidence of an energy transition.As the energy transition is defined as the progressive electrification of the economy (eg heat pumps & electric vehicles), I include Figure 3, which shows that there has been no net change in electricity production in Canada since 2015. Furthermore, in four out of seven years, power generation was declining relative to 2015.Clearly our economy is not undergoing rapid electrification.The reason for this dismal trend is simple.We have replaced coal power plants that operate near full throttle and on a full-time basis, with numerous part-time power generation units (eg, wind, solar & back up natural gas) that operate at the whim of the weather.This is analogous to replacing reliable full-time employees with part-time unreliable employees..So, if there is no basis to claim that an energy transition is underway in North America, who then is behind this highly disingenuous marketing blitz and what is their motivation for lying?To begin unravelling this question, I introduce Figure 4, which shows the Google Trend keyword search data for the three monikers: Energy transition; Build back better and; The great reset. Note that their origins in time coincide with the 2020 to 2021 lockdown period..It is well established that these synonymous monikers originated within the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the US Biden Administration.In 2020, the WEF and heads of G7 States declared in unison that the lockdowns represented a great opportunity to reset global capitalism and that the net-zero energy transition was how the world would build back better.That sounds an awful lot like motive.Here on the Canadian side of the border, we witnessed the formation of a whole ecosystem of new ENGO charities, whose singular mandate was to parrot these ideas.A case in point was formation of yet another climate focused tax-exempt private foundation called The Transition Accelerator (TTA,) which ironically is based out of Calgary. The public benefit statement in the TTA's 2022 CRA T3010 filing, and its website listed mandate, describes itself as "a force multiplier, enabler and a net-zero facilitator that works to direct disruption in collaboration with civil society leaders and government."Forgive me if I suggest that this sounds more ominous than tax-exempt philanthropy.No surprise, when you examine the sources of funding for the TTA, you find that 60% of its funding is from large eastern Canadian based tax-exempt private foundations, such as the Ivey Foundation (Toronto) and the Trottier Family Foundation (Montreal).These two juggernauts have more than $700 million in endowment funds leveraged heavily towards climate activism within the Canadian ENGO charity ecosystem and operate in collaboration with all levels of government (municipal, provincial and federal) in Canada to drive the energy transition (non-existent) in our economy.The only insight Canadians have into donor stipulated scope of work agreements with the TTA resides with the 25% government (aka taxpayer) donations, which of late is predominately facilitated by the federal National Research Council (NRC). Historically, the NRC's mandate in Canada has been to fund fundamental research and development (R&D), but when we look at the funding agreements with the TTA, these agreements sound more like engineering (i.e. not fundamental R&D) scopes of work.Topics such as driving demand for energy efficiency, shaping electricity systems and accelerating hydrogen production distribution in the Edmonton region, hardly sound like fundamental R&D.Note that in 2022, the TTA pulled in more than $4 million in revenue from its institutional and government donors and pocketed more than $1.3 million in profit after expenses. Its largest expense line item is the $2.5 million paid to its undefined consultants, who undoubtedly do the brunt of its work given the lack of engineering expertise within its executive structure (e.g., ecology, political science & economics.)Note that in 2022, no tax receipts were issued by the TTA to its donors. A clear indicator that it is not a grassroots philanthropy.The private foundations listed here are creating a mockery of true philanthropy in Canada and should be investigated for false advertising. Clearly, there is no scientific merit to their claims of an actual energy transition in North America or Canada. Truth matters.While the TTA's public benefit description and tax-exempt status may be lawful according to the CRA, its lack of non-profit status and disingenuous representation of facts are hardly ethical. .This is what the Western Standard is up againstThe Trudeau government is funding lies and propaganda by directly subsidizing the mainstream media. They do this to entrench the powerful Eastern, woke and corrupt interests that dominate the political, social and economic institutions in Canada. Federal authorities are constantly trying to censor us and stop us from publishing the stories that they don’t want you to read. Ottawa may weaponize our taxes and police against us, but we’ve got a powerful ally on our side.You. Free men, and free women. We need you to stand with us and become a member of the Western Standard. Here’s what you will get for your membership:Unlimited access to all articles from the Western Standard, Alberta Report, West Coast Standard, and Saskatchewan Standard, with no paywall. Our daily newsletter delivered to your inbox. .Access to exclusive Member-only WS events.Keep the West’s leading independent media voice strong and free.If you can, please support us with a monthly or annual membership. It takes just a moment to set up, and you will be making a big impact on keeping one the last independent media outlets in Canada free from Ottawa’s corrupting influence.