LYTLE: A story of when water engineers took their responsibilities seriously...

Since the 1890s, the Australian mining city of Kalgoorlie has been supplied with water through a 500 km pipeline from the west coast city of Perth. In the process, the system has to raise the water 390 metres over the Darling Escarpment. But nobody in Kalgoorlie goes thirsty. Writer Murray Lytle reflects on water engineers and getting things right.
Since the 1890s, the Australian mining city of Kalgoorlie has been supplied with water through a 500 km pipeline from the west coast city of Perth. In the process, the system has to raise the water 390 metres over the Darling Escarpment. But nobody in Kalgoorlie goes thirsty. Writer Murray Lytle reflects on water engineers and getting things right.Nigel Hannaford
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